V. 19:11 (89-90): Working Money: Setting Financial Goals by Bruce R. Faber
Product Description
Working Money: Setting Financial Goals by Bruce R. Faber
Your financial destination
may seem distant,but you ’ll
get there — if you stick to
your goals.
“You got to have a dream,” says Bloody
Mary, in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s
South Pacific. “If you don’t have a dream,” she
continues, “how you gonna have a dream come
true?” Replace the word dream with the word goal
and this advice becomes even more valuable,
especially if the discussion is about your financial
future. Wishin’ and hopin’ just don’t get the job
done. You need a goal and — just as important —
a plan for reaching it.
Your goal is as distinctive as you are. Thus, I
can’t tell you what your goal should be, but the
general purpose of financial goals is universal:
making sure you can retire without sacrificing too
much of the lifestyle to which you have become
accustomed. The suggestions presented here are
only examples, to help you design a goal that best
suits you.
What a goal is not: Planning on winning the lottery.
A pie-in-the-sky delusion — such as “someday I’m
gonna be rich and/or famous” — is not a goal, it’s
a fantasy. While that kind of delusion or fantasy may be better
than no goal at all, it most likely is not going to get you where
you want to be. It may be better than drifting along without
any thought for the future, but a goal it is not.
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