V. 19:10 (83-89): Working Money: Interview: William J. O誰eil by David Penn

V. 19:10 (83-89): Working Money: Interview: William J. O誰eil by David Penn
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Product Description

Working Money: Interview: William J. O誰eil by David Penn

The name rings a bell, but you池e not sure why. You may only be vaguely familiar with the name, but you致e certainly heard of, if not actually read, the product for which he is perhaps best known. William O誰eil, the founder of Investor痴 Business Daily (originally Investor痴 Daily until 1988) and chairman of William O誰eil & Co., Inc., a leading institutional investment research and brokerage firm, is one of the most clear-eyed and perceptive observers of the stock market today. His CAN SLIM approach to finding winning stocks enabled O誰eil to become the youngest person ever to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) at the age of 30. Since then, CAN SLIM has been embraced and adopted by successful stock traders and investors worldwide. Working Money Staff Writer David Penn spoke with O誰eil via telephone on May 25, 2001, finding him hard at work in his Los Angeles office on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend.

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