V. 19:11 (77-83): Working Money: Interview: Laura Granger by David Penn

V. 19:11 (77-83): Working Money: Interview: Laura Granger by David Penn
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Working Money: Interview: Laura Granger by David Penn

How The Small Survive

Laura Granger Of Oppenheimer Emerging Growth Fund

When the going gets tough, do the small get growing? That’s how Laura Granger, portfolio manager of OppenheimerFunds’ new Emerging Growth Fund, sees it. At the helm of the fund since October 2000, Granger has parlayed her success in turning around underperforming mutual funds (she helped bring the Fortis Capital Appreciation Fund from the bleachers to the luxury boxes during the late 1990s) into some winning stockpicks for her emerging growth fund, including companies such as THQ and Career Education Corp. A “bottom- up” stock selector who uses quantitative, technical, and qualitative screens and methods, Granger is big on small-cap growth stocks these days, suggesting that history is on the side of small-cap stocks when the economy is working its way out of a slowdown or recession.

Prior to heading up the Oppenheimer Emerging Growth Fund, Granger was a portfolio manager at Fortis Advisors from 1998 to 2000. Before Fortis, Granger was a portfolio manager at General Motors Investment Management from 1993 to 1998.

Working Money Staff Writer David Penn conducted this interview on June 19, 2001, via telephone.

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