V. 19:12 (64-67): Finding Key Reversals by Massimiliano Scorpio

V. 19:12 (64-67): Finding Key Reversals by Massimiliano Scorpio
Item# \V19\C12\146KEY.PDF
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Product Description

Finding Key Reversals by Massimiliano Scorpio

Running this statistical test before creating a system can prove to be helpful.

After spending several years analyzing traditional indicators and developing moving averages and oscillator-based systems, I have found that nothing works better in forecasting price movements than price itself. This discovery led me to focus my efforts into searching for and studying price configurations that could be useful in predicting the next movements in price. I started creating systems in 1996 using what was then Omega Research’s EasyLanguage and tried to test several strategies, writing numerous programs and solving many problems that popped up before I could translate my ideas into a single mechanical strategy. A couple of years ago, I decided to build a library of my favorite patterns and setups to use as a basis for creating a system, and to statistically test if there was indeed something to work on.

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