V. 19:12 (56-57): Sidebar: Detrending a bar chart in Excel by Charles E. Miller
Product Description
Sidebar: Detrending a bar chart in Excel by Charles E. Miller
The technique used here is just about the
simplest I can suggest for those who
might not be fluent in Excel. Aficionados
will doubtless see the numerous oppor-tunities
to improve and/or automate this
manual system, which consists of two
worksheets and one chart. I suggest you
first build the small model sheet shown in
sidebar Figure 1 to see how, in simplified
form, the working sheet is built and operated.
If you can reproduce the accompanying
charts, then it’s safe to expand the
sheet to suit your own needs.
Constructing your spreadsheet
Sheet 1: Raw data. The first step is to
paste ASCII text data for an index or a
security into an Excel spreadsheet. I prefer
to paste several years of date, high,
low, and close data into its own sheet.
Sheet 2: Working. Create the (second)
working sheet shown in sidebar Figure 1.
The data will be pasted into columns A:D,
and each data row will be an array of
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