V. 19:4 (70-80): Interview: Victor B. Niederhoffer by John Sweeney

V. 19:4 (70-80): Interview: Victor B. Niederhoffer by John Sweeney
Item# \V19\C04\046INT.PDF
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Product Description

Music of the Markets - Victor B. Niederhoffer

Trader, speculator, author, and more. The name may be familiar, but there’s more to the man than just finance. Victor Niederhoffer has served as advisor to, and investor for, famed investor George Soros and as mentor to Monroe Trout and other financial wizards. More: Niederhoffer is also a five-time US national squash champion. More: Among his publication credits are articles in Liberty and The Wall Street Journal, a cover story in National Review exposing Hillary Clinton’s cattle trading as a façade, and his book, The Education Of A Speculator.

Victor B. Niederhoffer received his undergraduate degree from Harvard and earned his doctorate in finance from the University of Chicago. An active speculator on a large scale for the past 30 years, he now operates as a private investor specializing in trading options and futures on individual stocks and market indices. He writes a daily column at Worldly Investor (www.worldlyinvestor.com) and a weekly column at moneycentral.msn.com with Laurel Kenner. STOCKS & COMMODITIES Interim Editor John Sweeney managed to talk Niederhoffer into doing an interview, and on January 23, 2001, they chatted, via telephone.

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