V. 19:4 (36-41): High-Probability Point And Figure by Joe Demkovich
Product Description
The Basics And Tactics Of A Western Classic
Point And Figure
If you want buy and sell signals from a charting system, point
and figure charting may be for you.
by Joe Demkovich
When you purchase stock in a company,
you must make two decisions. The first:
Which stock should I buy? (That’s
fundamental analysis.) The second:
When should I buy it? (That’s technical
analysis.) The fundamental analyst is
concerned with financial statements,
company history, management, earnings, dividends, industry
position, and product popularity. The technical analyst is
concerned with supply and demand, accumulation, and
distribution. Most stocks have substantial price moves at one
time or another. Before a stock price goes up, it usually goes
through a period of accumulation, and before the price goes
down, it usually goes through a period of distribution. Point
and figure (PNF) displays highlight this behavior.
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