V. 19:3 (64-77): Interview: Investing Champion Mark Cook by John Sweeney

V. 19:3 (64-77): Interview: Investing Champion Mark Cook by John Sweeney
Item# \V19\C03\033INT.PDF
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Product Description

From Sun Up To Sun Down

Interview: Investing Champion Mark Cook by John Sweeney

Mark D. Cook first won fame as a trader in 1989 when he finished second in the US Investing Championship. By 1992, he had shifted to options and racked up large three-digit percentage returns en route to winning the championship. Since then, he’s turned to the Standard & Poor’s 500 index and Nasdaq for daytrading, while keeping the options and stocks for intermediate- and longer-term trading. Nowadays, he’s in the market to pay for his Ohio farm and his company’s operating expenses, not to mention room and board. STOCKS & COMMODITIES Interim Editor John Sweeney caught up with Cook via telephone as winter was closing in on Ohio in December 2000.

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