V. 19:3 (46-48): Long-Term Trading With Swiss Francs by Andre Zupans
Product Description
Using Paper And Pencil (Hey, It Still Works!)
Long-Term Trading
With Swiss Francs
Didn’t you love that little cotton trade we showed you back in
May 2000? Want to try again with Swiss francs? Here’s your
by Andre Zupans
I presented a long-term commodity trading
technique. At that time, cotton offered a
great long-term trading setup. A weekly
point & figure close of 5500 in January
2000 had issued a buy signal. The 5500
calls six months out were bought at about
3.00, or $1,500 per call. In March, cotton
reached about 6300, sending the calls to
around 9.00, or $4,500 per call (Figure 1). Note the 5500
breakout. A sharp move to over the 6300 level produced a
winning trade. My conclusion was that a long-lasting bull
move in cotton was likely.
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