V. 19:3 (38-44): Coding Candlesticks (II) by Viktor Likhovidov
Product Description
Analyzing Candlesticks Quantitatively
Coding Candlesticks (II)
Few charting innovations have become
so widely accepted in the US since
their introduction from Japan as
candlesticks. Until Viktor Likhovidov’s
article in the November 1999 issue of
interpretation was subjective. In his
article, however, he showed how to
develop quantitative values for
candlesticks — values that could be
used in software to create indicators
for trading. His proposal did draw one
critique, from Jan W.E. Roberts (see
“Letters to the Editor”). We thought
the results of their exchange and
Likhovidov’s Excel spreadsheet for
coding would be valuable for our
readers to study.
by Viktor Likhovidov
Jan W.E. Roberts’s letter
(see page 10) questioned
the quantitative approach
to candlestick charting that
I described in the
November 1999 S&C. The issues that
he brought up deserve discussion that
could help readers to better understand
the basis and possible application of
my method.
My idea of assigning a numeric value
to a single candlestick is based on the
principle that the relationship between
opening and closing prices is the most
important for interpretation of the
candle. So in construction of the
quantitative characteristic of a candle,
I took these prices into account as the
main factor.
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