V. 19:3 (19-26): Pairs Trading by Stephane Reverre
Product Description
Exploiting Closely Related Stocks
Pairs Trading
Some relationships in the stock market make
for very profitable trades. by Stephane Reverre
The arbitrage of Royal Dutch
(RD) and Shell (SC) is a
popular one on Wall Street
because it is a classic
example of a pair-tradingÝ
model, a strategy that
involves trading two stocks
— one long, the other short-term based, on the
assumption that their prices follow an
identifiable recurrent pattern — backed by a
strong relationship between the companies.
Essentially, RD and SC are opposite sides of
the same coin; they both derive their revenues
from a fixed partition of the income generated
by the entire corporate group. Indeed, they are
linked by corporate charters stipulating that
60% of the income received by the group will
be allocated to RD, while the 40% remaining
will be allocated to SC. Therefore, it is possible
to extract an exact relationship between the
two stocks’ prices (see sidebar “Pairs
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