V. 19:2 (86-91, 104-105): Traders’ Resource: Trading Systems

V. 19:2 (86-91, 104-105): Traders’ Resource: Trading Systems
Item# \V19\C02\023RES.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Trading Systems

Trading systems can help take the subjective interpretation out of trading decisions by providing automated buy and sell signals based on preprogrammed rules. Trading systems are usually computer programs but can also be a realtime service, issuing signals or a set of published rules to follow. They can rely on one or more trading disciplines, such as artificial intelligence, Gann analysis, astrology, indicator sets, or custom rules. This month in Traders’ Resource, we present a list of publicly available trading systems, most of which are sold as software packages for personal computers.

We contacted trading system developers and vendors and asked them to fill out an online survey form to describe their product or products. Here, you’ll find a summary of the data we collected. While we’re only able to present an abbreviated amount of the information here in the magazine due to the space constraints of the printed page, you’ll find the complete listing of product specifics at our website, www.Traders.com. Just click on the Traders’ Resource link and then on the Trading Systems category link.

The product information you’ll find at our website for trading systems will help answer questions such as: What indicators does the system utilize? What markets are followed by the trading system? Are additional applications

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