V. 19:12 (24-35): The Continuous Lead Contract by Frank Suler
Product Description
The Continuous Lead Contract by Frank Suler
A trading champion shares one of the tools he
uses to analyze the markets.
Since the introduction of the
spreadsheet, I’ve used its
abilities in the continuing
search for a profit-making
trading system. In the
process, I’ve developed
several automated procedures, or macros. Some
simply help by yielding additional ease in
copying formulas or selecting graph ranges.
Others are more extensive, such as subroutines
awaiting inputs so that Fibonacci ratios and
Elliott wave theories can provide price
I want to present two such macros, the
continuous lead contract and the y-axis
translator. (The latter macro is presented in a
sidebar, “Input for y-axis translator,” page 28.)
These macros were originally developed using
Lotus Symphony. They have been converted
and are presented here as Excel macros in
Visual BASIC.
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