V. 19:1 (82-84): You And Money by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
Product Description
Do you honestly and truly want to make money?
If you are a serious trader, you are in
the business to make money. If you
for some reason do not want to
make money trading, you will
sabotage your trading so you
lose money, or do not make
as much. As a result, you
will find yourself out of the
trading business, probably
sooner than later.
This relationship between trading and money is axiomatic;
it is easy for traders to acknowledge the relationship, but not
to adhere to it. For traders, the problem arises when the simple
issue of making money becomes complicated, as it often
does. Over time, the desire to make money can easily become
subordinate to any number of important issues in a trader’s
life. When the goal of making money loses its vitality and
influence, trading results suffer.
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