V. 19:12 (14-20): Letters to S&C

V. 19:12 (14-20): Letters to S&C
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Letters to S&C

TREND DETECTION INDEX Editor, I always look forward to receiving STOCKS & COMMODITIES and seeing what new indicators may be presented. The October 2001 S&C article by M.H. Pee on the trend detection index (TDI) was intriguing and very well written.

The TDI seems to have a lot of promise. I would very much like to compare it head-to-head with other trend measures, such as the ADXR, vertical horizontal filter, polarized fractal efficiency, Chande momentum oscillator, and so on. That is half the fun — to see how a new technique compares with established ones!

Thus, I was most disappointed not to find the TDI in MetaStock format in Traders’ Tips in that issue, as is usually the case when a new indicator is presented in your magazine. Will you be presenting this soon, I hope? Please?


La Jolla, CA

Equis International presented the code for the trend detection index in the November 2001 STOCKS & COMMODITIES in the Traders’ Tips column. —Editor

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