V.18:2 (88-92):Product Review:Ensign Windows

V.18:2 (88-92):Product Review:Ensign Windows
Item# \V18\C14\144PR.PDF
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Product Description

How’d you like some fast, efficient trading software that costs about $30 a month instead of thousands? What if it came with an efficient testing language for smoothing your trading ideas into shape? And the program was rock-solid, allowing you to run it and everything else you wanted to run on one machine? What if your tech support came in the form of the guy who’s writing the program — a guy who can turn around and fix your tweak or bug in 24 hours or so? If all that makes sense to you, you ’ll need to prowl the Internet to find Ensign Software. There won’t be any glossy ads, but you’ll be dealing with a company that’s been in the trading and software business since 1983. In addition,the authors are traders themselves and will know what you’re describing when you call.

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