V.18:12 (84-86): Overcoming Trader’s Block by Hal Masover

V.18:12 (84-86): Overcoming Trader’s Block by Hal Masover
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Product Description

Overcoming Trader’s Block by Hal Masover

You’ve done everything you can think of to profit from your trading. Why aren’t you making any money? Maybe the problem isn’t with your system.

I must have spoken to more than 1,000 traders in the past couple of years at various conferences for traders and investors. I have met a few consistently profitable traders, but they have been unusual; for the most part, I met a lot of interesting, knowledgeable people with good trading methods who despite all of that are unprofitable. Why?

The lack of success often has to do with the trader’s actions in the market rather than his methods. Some traders are afraid to pull the trigger, while others have no trouble getting into trades but take their profits too quickly. Many simply override their methods for emotional reasons. These tendencies to sabotage are variations of what I refer to as trader’s block .

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