V.18:11 (80-98): Interview: John C. Bogle Of Vanguard

V.18:11 (80-98): Interview: John C. Bogle Of Vanguard
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Product Description

Interview: John C.Bogle Of Vanguard

John C.Bogle, president of Bogle Financial Markets Research Center, founded The Vanguard Group, Inc., in 1974, after having been associated with a predecessor company since 1951. The Vanguard Group is one of the largest mutual fund organizations in the world, with more than 100 mutual funds with current assets totaling more than $550 billion. In 1975, Bogle founded Vanguard 500 Index Fund, currently the largest fund in the group. It was the first index mutual fund.

Bogle is the author of two best-selling investment books. His third book, John Bogle On Investing: The First 50 Years, will be published by McGraw-Hill late in 2000.

Bogle’s philosophy of investing is the antithesis of the typical trader’s, so we figured we’d get an earful talking to him. We weren’t disappointed! STOCKS & COMMODITIES Interim Editor John Sweeney spoke with Bogle via telephone on August 29, 2000.

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