V.18:9 (78-81):Product Review: CyBerTrader 2.1

V.18:9 (78-81):Product Review: CyBerTrader 2.1
Item# \V18\C14\164PR.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

CyBerTrader 2.1

CYBERCORP.COM, INC. 115 Wild Basin Rd. Austin, TX 78746 Phone: 512 320-5444, 888 76-CYBER Fax: 512 320-1561 E-mail: correspondence@cybercorp.com Internet: http://www.cybercorp.com Product: Direct-access brokerage package providing customers with real-time datafeed and order executions. Equipment requirements: Pentium 266 MHz or better, 128 MB, 50 MB hard drive space, 17-inch high-resolution monitor, Windows 98/NT. Price: Account minimum $10,000; $99 per month (free if you make at least 50 trades); $9.95 – 17.95 commission per trade.

The needs of active, short-term traders who make several trades per day must by necessity be different from those of traders who make only a few trades per month. To meet the needs of both types of traders, CyBerCorp, Inc., has introduced a couple of packages: One is CyBerTrader 2.1 for the active trader, and the other is CyBerX for the less-active trader.

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