V.18:11 (76-78):Product Review:PatternSmasher 2.06

V.18:11 (76-78):Product Review:PatternSmasher 2.06
Item# \V18\C14\170PR.PDF
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Product Description

PatternSmasher 2.06

by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

KASANJIAN RESEARCH PO Box 4608 Blue Jay, CA 92317 Phone: 909 337-0816 Fax:909 337-8388 E-mail: info@kasanjianresearch.com Internet: http://www.kasanjianresearch.com Product: Identifies trading patterns on an end-of-day basis. Equipment requirements: IBM-PC compatible computers running Windows 95/98/NT, Pentium 133 MHz for Windows 95/98 and 200 MHz for Windows NT, at least 32 MB RAM (64 MB for Windows NT), 70 MB of hard disk space, one standard parallel port. Data formats supported: TC2000 3 and 4; MetaStock; AIQ; CSI; ASCII. Price: $1,895

Identifying patterns on a chart can be a challenging task. No matter how difficult, however, it is a must for any technical analyst, and because of its complexity, it is possible to overlook some patterns critical to your trading. To avoid those situations, Kasanjian Research has introduced PatternSmasher 2.06, a program that will automatically identify the patterns you are looking for.

Sounds good — but you still need to know what the patterns you’re looking for are. If you are scanning for head-and-shoulder patterns, you must know the relationship between the beginning and end of price swings and the conditions that need to be met when prices break above the trendline. That way, you can give PatternSmasher specific instructions.

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