V.18:9 (72-74):Product Review:ASCTrend/eASCTrend

V.18:9 (72-74):Product Review:ASCTrend/eASCTrend
Item# \V18\C14\163PR.PDF
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Product Description

ASCTrend/ eASCTrend

by John Sweeney

ABLESYS CORPORATION 24301 Southland Drive, Suite 400 Hayward, CA 94545 Phone: 888 272-1688 Fax: 510 265-1993 E-mail: ablesys@ablesys.com Internet: http://www.ablesys.com Product: Trading software Equipment requirements: ASCTrend and eASCTrend: 200MHz CPU, 64 MB RAM, 5 MB hard disk space, Windows 95/98/NT; MMX or sound card; speakers. eASCTrend: eSignal for data. ASCTrend 2.0 and 3.0 is available for TradeStation 4.0 and ProSuite, respectively. Price: Leased at $545 to $1,645 per year, depending on version; 30-day trial for $138.

ASCTrend is proprietary trading software designed to give trading signals on just about any series of prices you can feed it. The real value in ASCTrend is that it has gone through all the development headaches of the past five years and is now a stable trading guide you can use on intraday data or daily/weekly/monthly data.


I tested the newest version, eASCTrend, which has the capability of hooking onto eSignal’s Internet datafeed. You can get all the historical data you want through the datafeed, allowing you to visually review ASCTrend’s signals and indicators.

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