V16:9: Letters

V16:9: Letters
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Thanks for the great article on channel analysis by Editor Thom Hartle in your July 1998 issue. It’s one of three of my favorite articles in seven years. Keep up the good work. I also like the artwork in your magazine.




Would you do a big favor for the trading community and bring some truth to the surface about the best trading systems out there? Please publish some serious scientific work.

ARTHUR C. G. JOHANNPETER, via E-mail Opinions abound on the usefulness of one trading system over another. Trading systems can be segregated into two groups: disclosed and nondis-closed (black boxes). Black boxes are systems that tell you what to do without revealing how the system generated the recommendation. In actuality, black-box nondisclosed systems are almost always some combination of known technical analysis methodologies. Disclosed systems, too, use trading studies, tools, techniques or methods that STOCKS & COM-MODITIES covers. STOCKS & COMMODITIES endeavors to teach our readers how to trade with whatever tools and information are available. We also describe or review products or services that could be helpful to traders. Reviews can give you an idea what a product does and what it’s like to use, but a reviewer may not be able to judge the provider’s integrity. Moreover, instructions for implementing technical analysis are a little like cake recipes: The results are greatly affected by the practitioner or cook. One of our magazine’s ongoing edi-torial goals is to publish articles about charting and computerized trading techniques. Thanks for writing. —Publisher

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