V14.14 (660-661): Product Review: ModelQuest, version 4.0
Product Description
Product Review: ModelQuest, version 4.0
Since 1994, AbTech’s unique information modeling approach has crossed the product review desk twice before, in mid-1994 and early in 1996. In those appearances, we’ve noted that AbTech’s product has been a hit for its speed (32-bit capable) and convenience as well as its conception.
AbTech’s ModelQuest – previously known as “StatNet” – is unique in that it builds a network along the familiar lines of a neural network, but the network’s nodes are not the weights a neural network would create. Nor does one manage the number of layers in the network or the number and weight of the nodes. Instead, AbTech’s product, by brute force, tries all the possible network combinations of the regression functions it has at its disposal, starting with the simplest network layout and working up to the most complicated. You can watch this fascinating process on the screen as the network is assembled and disassembled before your very eyes.
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