V.18:11 (66-69):Product Review:EZ-PnF
Product Description
Version 2.30
by Dennis D.Peterson
1801 Tartan Court
Charlotte, NC 28212-6759
E-mail: BCASoftware@ez-pnf.com
Internet: http://www.ez-pnf.com
Product: Software for constructing
point and figure charts.
Equipment requirements: PC with
8088 to 6x86, AMD, or Pentium
processor. EZ-PnF version 2.30 is a
DOS-based program that runs natively
under PC-DOS or MS-DOS. Also
operates in the DOS boxes of Windows and OS/2.
Price: Registration fee $25 for each
registered copy. No additional cost for
E-mail delivery. For delivery on disk,
add $3 for US destinations, $6 for
non-US destinations for shipping and
handling per diskette.
BCA Software provides DOS-based software for point and
figure analysis. EZ-PnF, as
the name implies, installs
easily and is used readily,
and no DOS knowledge is required for
installation and use. Navigation through
the software is key-based but also supports mouse use in most instances. If
you’re looking for a Windows interface, don’t be dissuaded; information
access is easy with EZ-PnF.
EZ-PnF has a number of features that
enhance its use:
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