V14.14 (655-659): Product Review: Option Pro On-Line, version 2.1

V14.14 (655-659): Product Review: Option Pro On-Line, version 2.1
Item# \V14\C14\PR655.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: Option Pro On-Line, version 2.1

Have you been considering trading options intraday? Are you of the belief that you not only know where the market is headed but also when you should amplify or dampen the expected move (or lack thereof) with an exchange-traded derivative?

Even after years of availability and all the information published about their use, options still aren't a wildly popular vehicle of choice for the everyday investor because they're complicated, difficult to track and often have sporadic liquidity. In short, options trading is a much more intense activity than a simple buy-and-forget-it investing approach. Even so, the list of optionable stocks and futures grows constantly, involving at times more than 50,000 symbols to track and trade. With those numbers, someone out there must be interested in options!

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