V13:3 (647): QS: THINKS, v. 103 - Technical Analysis, Inc.

V13:3 (647): QS: THINKS, v. 103 - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V13\C14\Q647.PDF
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Product Description

THINKS, VERSION 1.03 - Technical Analysis, Inc.

How about a reasonably priced, Windows-compatible generic neural networkÝ builder with a good variety of algorithmsÝ, rules and architectures? Been there, you say? How about one with a built-in, spreadsheet-like preprocessor? That might help, but for traders, generic neural network development programs are not the best bet any more, since there exist programs with trading indicators and even some data delivered with the program, albeit for twice the money we're talking here.

That said, THINKS includes a handy couple of spreadsheet functions (add lines, delete lines, copy, data, cut data, erase data, paste data) that make developing training and testing data easier. There isn't a full set of calculation functions, though, so you'll probably want to use a mainline spreadsheet to manipulate your data, dumping the result to a text file that can be imported via THINKS' import feature.

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