V13:3 (646): Binomial Market Model, v.A.08 - Technical Analysis, Inc.

V13:3 (646): Binomial Market Model, v.A.08 - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V13\C13\Q646.PDF
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Product Description

BINOMIAL MARKET MODEL, VERSION A.08 - Technical Analysis, Inc.

If the intricate mathematics of the options world leaves you befuddled, this program from Mantic Software can show you the results of all the computations without the agony of doing it yourself. Even better, it does so graphically in a live simulation.

Binomial Market Model is designed to teach you exactly what is meant by the "volatility" of a stock's price and also how volatility is calculated. You'll need Windows 3.1 or later and about half a megabyte of hard disk space to install on your personal computer. Installed with the computational software is an elaborate hypertextÝ article that explains the math and how volatility is calculated.

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