V.17:2 (63-67): Trading Stocks With A Cyclical System by Jeffrey O. Katz, Ph.D., with D.L. McCormick
Product Description
Trading Stocks With
A Cyclical System
by Jeffrey Owen Katz, Ph.D., with Donna L. McCormick
There may be a tradable pattern in individual stocks
and indices. Read about one way to systematically
look for and track this cycle.
More than a decade ago, we noticed
that a recurrent pattern
could be seen on the charts of
individual stocks as well as on
the indices. Roughly 90 calendar
days after the occurrence of
a large, sudden, strong move
(mostly upward but sometimes
down), there would be a fairly good probability that
another such move would occur. The quarterly timing
suggested that the pattern was induced by the
occurrence of surprises (for example, earnings surprises)
associated with corporate reports. When this
pattern was present — and it frequently was — it was
quite dramatic: It could be used to predict turning
points in stocks (as well as in stock indices such as the
Standard & Poor’s 500 index) months ahead with a
fair degree of accuracy.
This forecasting pattern produced such good results
that we developed and marketed software based
upon it: NexTurn for the S&P 500, and The Stock
Analyzer for individual stocks. Several years after
we discovered it, however, the pattern disappeared
from the indices, and the software became moot.
Neither NexTurn nor The Stock Analyzer were
complete trading systems; they had no entry or exit
orders but merely generated signals. Let’s see whether we can develop a successful trading system
for stocks based on the pattern we observed more
than a decade ago. We will be working in
TradeStation and fully disclosing all trading logic
and Easy Language source code.
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