V14.14 (624-626): Product Review: Wall Street Quest, version 1.1
Product Description
Product Review: Wall Street Quest, version 1.1
Performing charting and technical analysis on the Macintosh computer should be a breeze and a delight, but the fact is, nearly all technical analysis software is written for the DOS world. A few notable exceptions exist, and now, something new has entered the fray: Street Logic Software's Wall Street Quest.
Founded in late 1995, Street Logic is the brainchild of Bob Fronabarger, an engineer and programmer who wasn't satisfied with the packages available for the Mac and decided to create his own. Although this is the traditional story for software development, the nontraditional ending is that Fronabarger not only designed the software but also put together the marketing necessary to support it with partner Paul Srimuang.
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