V.17:13 (613-615): Product Review: Day Trader, version 7

V.17:13 (613-615): Product Review: Day Trader, version 7
Item# /V17/C13/128PR.pdf
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Product Description

Product Review: Day Trader Version 7.0 by John Sweeney

Day Trader 7.0 is a day-trading package fed by a variety of continuous datastreams and thoroughly integrated with Internet research resources. It provides a variety of charting, analysis, quote, news, and system trading functions. The software is an elaboration of the basic Window on Wall Street (WOW) interface, now offered in a variety of packages. For a detailed look at the basic features, check out the review of Internet Trader Pro in the April 1999 issue. For this review, we checked out the Internet version of Day Trader 7 only. Using the Internet for delivering trading data is growing rapidly in popularity because it eliminates data drudgery at the price of some unreliability from the foibles of the ’Net. Should, for example, UUNET’s node in Los Angeles go down, there will be a huge drop in response rate, a drop that could be misinterpreted by your software, causing “failures” that were not failures at your point at all.

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