V16:12: Letters

V16:12: Letters
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The article “Cup-with-handle and the computerized approach” in your October 1998 issue was great, but authors Rick Martinelli and Barry Hyman certainly leave us in the dark as to the software that will enable us to use the ideas expressed there. Producing a valid system using the “Cup-with-handle” article as a basis would take a high level of programming knowledge. ACEEBO, via E-mail, Chagrin Falls, OH

See Traders’ Tips in this issue for software code implementing the cup-with-handle concept. Each month, Traders’ Tips features programming code contributed by vendors of popular technical analysis software. —Editor



Thanks very much for your great magazine. I am a proprietary trader in the FX markets for a regional bank and most of my successful systems are due, in part, to things that I have learned from your magazine over the years. I was wondering if there were any plan to release the Easy-Language code for the system discussed in the September 1998 article “Trading the trend” by Andrew Abraham. I enjoyed reading about the strategy but the article didn’t describe it well enough for me to write the code myself. Thanks again. KENT SHAW, via E-mail

Many software vendors specialize in writing and developing third-party software code. Check the Omega Solution Providers listing each month in our Classifieds, or look through the Omega Research special advertising section in our November 1998 issue for vendors of EasyLanguage code. —Editor

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