V14.14 (607-609): Product Review: Elliott Wave Analyser

V14.14 (607-609): Product Review: Elliott Wave Analyser
Item# \V14\C14\PR607.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: Elliott Wave Analyser

Some investors consider Elliott wave analysis, like astrology, to be one of the more arcane areas of technical analysis. To some, the concept of waves within waves, as put forth in Elliott wave theory, crests in little more than cascades of confusion and froths of uncertainty.

The Center for Elliott Wave Analysis, manned by mainstay Richard Swannell, brings some calm to these ripples of confusion. An Elliott enthusiast of long standing, Swannell has created a Windows version of wave analysis software that can tease out the patterns from virtually any set of price data. Before EWA, few programs had taken a swing at this task and succeeded. A price tag of $1,250 isn't cheap in these days of $300 powerhouse programs, but then again, those $300 programs don't come with Elliott wave analysis capabilities. Faced with that, I was delighted to open the package and start feeding disks into S&C's Pentium 75 computer.

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