V14.14 (589-592): Product Review: Monocle

V14.14 (589-592): Product Review: Monocle
Item# \V14\C14\PR589.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: Monocle

Now that there are more mutual funds than there are stocks on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), playing funds has become as popular as playing stocks. Naturally, many of the same tools are employed: frequent data update, graphic display and analysis, computation of trading indicators and construction of trading rules or systems. In this category, but focused on the top 1,000 mutual funds, is Manhattan Analytics' Monocle.

Monocle provides most of the basic functions to manage a trading program for mutual funds: screening, system definition and back-testing, though not ongoing portfolio management (gain/loss reporting, tax reports and so forth). Since we reviewed Monocle's key features in March 1995 (graphics, rank-ings), I'll spend most of the time on the trading side of Monocle.

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