V14:13 (558): Quick-Scan: Simulated Trading Competition

V14:13 (558): Quick-Scan: Simulated Trading Competition
Item# \V14\C13\Q558.PDF
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Product Description

Quick-Scan: Simulated Trading Competition

How'd you like to have some trading fun on the cheap? The easy answer is to sign up with TradeComp's Futures Trading Simulations. If you have some aggressive bones in your body, sign up with their periodic competitions. They don't cost much, they're highly realistic and they generate all the emotions you'll get when tossing real dollars around, at least initially.

But first, the educational aspect: While the profit potential of futures trading is huge, many traders toss their capital into the market before they're properly prepared, resulting in frequent, dramatic, emotional and financial losses. TradeComp provides practical and objective experience. You trade your simulated account in real time, trying to avoid pitfalls such as overtrading, greed, fear and failure to pull the trigger.

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