V14:13 (556): Quick-Scan: The Intuitie Trader
Product Description
Quick-Scan: The Intuitie Trader
Intuitive traders are at peace with themselves and the world. To the thinking of author and trader Robert Koppel, intuitive traders are those who are at the top of their game. They achieved this status because they have done what it takes to put them at the top of their game. They have learned - or rather, they have devoured - every aspect of their activity and made it so thoroughly a part of themselves that they no longer have to think about what or why they are doing it. All they must do is concentrate on what must be done, and then do that something to the best of their ability. They can speak the language without first translating it in their heads. Otherwise, by the time it was translated, even if the translation were absolutely perfect, it would be too late to accomplish the best possible performance. They must know intuitively, without thought or question, exactly what the situation demands and when so as to maximize their results.
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