V.18:12 (54-66): Phasor Displays by John F. Ehlers

V.18:12 (54-66): Phasor Displays by John F. Ehlers
Item# \V18\C12\116PHA.pdf
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Product Description

Phasor Displays by John F. Ehlers

A high-tech display pinpoints anomalies and trading opportunities in price behavior.

Remember that famous glass of water? The one that optimists see as half full and pessimists see as half empty? An engineer, however, sees the glass as having been designed with too much capacity. So what we see is really a matter of perception.

Market technicians have designed a variety of techniques to visualize what has happened and to predict what the future holds. Candlestick charts and point and figure charts are two examples of charting price data. When it comes to indicators, there is a plethora of wiggles, squiggles, zig-zags, and channels that require volumes to describe.

I would now like to add to this din of displays a new and novel one so sensitive that it dramatically pinpoints variations and anomalies that cannot be removed with mathematical filters — at least within the lag constraints imposed by trading considerations.

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