V.18:11 (54-57):Product Review:The On-Site Trader
Product Description
The On-Site Trader
by John Sweeney
98 Cutter Mill Road
Great Neck, NY 11021
Phone: 888 402-0533
Fax: 516 482 9388
E-mail: sales@onsitetrading.com
Internet: http://www.onsitetrading.com
Product: Fully integrated, direct-access, real-time stock trading station.
Equipment requirements: Pentium
350 with 128 MB RAM, Windows 95/
98/NT/2000. Connection via point-to-point, 56K dialup modem, VPN, or
broadband Internet service provider.
Price: $19.95 a trade or less. Beginners’ package: $0.01 to $0.02 per share
plus free Level II with $15,000 account
($9.95 minimum, $19.95 maximum).
Direct-access trading is the
hot venue in brokerages
these days as traders increasingly try to cut out the
bottlenecks in hitting the
bid or smacking the ask. Convenience,
speed (direct routing), price improvement, and cheap commissions are the
big issues, though minimum account
size rears its head occasionally. On-Site
Trading comes out well in most of these
things, save the last: minimum account
size is $25,000.
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