V.17:12 (533-538): Keltner Channel by Stuart Evens

V.17:12 (533-538): Keltner Channel by Stuart Evens
Item# /V17/C12/095KELT.pdf
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Product Description

Keltner Channels by Stuart Evens

There are many different ways of constructing channels, and one of the more basic, though less well-known, methods is the Keltner channel. Take a look.

The Keltner channel technique, which was first presented in 1960, is not generally as well known as other channel methods. In fact, while doing research for this article, I had a difficult time finding many references on the subject, and I personally have never used Keltner channels to trade. Therefore, I decided to get a feel for the Keltner method by comparing it to other, more widely used methods of channel construction. I will first examine the basics of fixed-width envelopes, Bollinger Bands, STARC bands, and Keltner channels, going into more detail for Keltner. I’ll look at how each method responds to the daily price bar activity for the same stock, Apple Computer [AAPL], during the same period. I’ll then compare the historically backtested results for each of the data from Dial Data.

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