V.17:12 (515-520): Applying Gann Angles To Computer Charts by Brent Aston
Product Description
Applying Gann Angles To Computer Charts by Brent Aston
Tried and true and far from being discarded,Gann angles are daily tools for some traders. Here ’s how
to use two of W.D.Gann ’s central ideas in today ’s
computerized environment.
Trader William D. Gann became famous in the early 20th century for his ability to forecast exact price targets in the stock and commodity markets. To arrive at his forecasts, W.D. Gann used a combination of methods, ranging from simple counts and angles to correlating natural events. Of course, many securities that exist now did not exist then, and volatility is very different from
what it was in his time. However, the geometrical
relationships that he applied to data appear to
work equally well on modern data.
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