V. 1:4 (92-95): Letters to Technical Analysis

V. 1:4 (92-95): Letters to Technical Analysis
Item# \V01\C04\LETTER.PDF
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Letters to Technical Analysis

This column is our means of communicating with our subscribers and serves as an outlet for questions and answers. Please feel free to write about anything that you would like to know more (or less) about or pass along to the rest of us. We all run across trading techinques, services and products that have proven to be useful to some degree under different market conditions. Without a constant source of new ideas and subject matter coming from our readers this magazine would not exist. Each issue is designed to hold at least one idea or clarify one subject that COULD justify your subscription cost.

7 April 1983

Technical Analyst

Seattle, WA

Dear Jack:

As always, I enjoyed getting an update on how you are doing today on the phone. I had some observations I thought you might enjoy.

1. Your sincerity seems to filter thru in conversation and in your publication. I think this is very attractive to readers as they are often drawn to publications that seek as well as present. Subscribers that would subscribe to your magazine are probably in general, seekers of truth in a sense. Therefore your emphasis that this magazine can be a marketplace for the central exchange of knowledge concerning speculation has and will continue to have a draw, in and of itself. Emphasize it.

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