V14:9 (413): Letters to S&C - Technical Analysis, Inc.

V14:9 (413): Letters to S&C - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V14\C09\LETTERS.PDF
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Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.



First, I want to send you all my best compliments for the magazine and for all the articles you feature, which I read every month with great interest and attention, especially the articles about trading psychology, which in my opinion is a matter of the same importance as any trading technique.

I am a private, part-time trader. In your 1996 Bonus Issue, I read the article by Nelson Freeburg, "Evolution of a timing model." The section concerning the 4% swing system I found of great interest because of the simplicity of the technique. In many articles you feature, your contributors explain that it's not necessary for a trading technique to be complicated to give good results, but rather, on the contrary, it's the simple techniques that seem to be the secret for the most profitable trades.

Please advise me in which issues of S&C or other publications I can read about simple, mechanical systems to trade.

Thank you and go forth with your great magazine! CIABATTI ALESSIO Florence, Italy

We have published many, many articles that present simple techniques or mechanical trading systems. Keep reading S&C each month for new techniques. Past STOCKS & COMMODITIES articles are available in book form by year or on CD-ROM, which has the advantage of a sophisticated search feature for locating specific topics. -Editor

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