V13 (660-661): QS: Neural Net Tutor, version 1.0 for Windows - Technical Analysis, Inc.

V13 (660-661): QS: Neural Net Tutor, version 1.0 for Windows - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V13\C14\Q660B.PDF
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Product Description

Neural Net Tutor, version 1.0 for Windows - Technical Analysis, Inc.

For those traders who would really like to know the math and the nuts and the bolts involved in neural networks without trundling off to the local university, Neural Network Tutor supplies a course in a box.

Most traders would rather die than take a college course in neural networks, aptly imagining all the curve-raising engineers who'd haggle over the fine points of differential equations until long after class had actually ended for the day. Nevertheless, for that subset who would really like to know the math and the nuts and bolts involved in neural networks without trundling off to the local university, Neural Network Tutor, based on a university-level course taught at the University of Toronto, supplies a course in a box.

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