V13 (663-664): QS: Moore Research Center Report - Technical Analysis, Inc.

V13 (663-664): QS: Moore Research Center Report - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V13\C14\Q663.PDF
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Product Description

Moore Research Center Report - Technical Analysis, Inc.

Futures traders interested in seasonal data can get quality information from the MRC Report.

Consider this: Say you trade the futures markets. Would you be interested in knowing the likelihood of your market of choice rallying late into the year? Would you like to know if a market had a tendency to rise or fall during other times of the year?

Statisticians answer these questions using what is known as seasonal analysis . Seasonal fluctuations are generally recurring patterns of movement on an annual basis. The name alludes to the fact that there are four seasons and there are markets that tend to fluctuate due to changes in the seasons. But this form of analysis does not have to be limited to those markets most affected by changes in the weather. For example, did you know that in 14 out of the last 15 years, the Treasury bond futures market has closed at a higher price during the latter part of December than the price it was trading during the first week of November? That's certainly a strong seasonal tendency, and that's the type of quality information available from the Moore Research Center (MRC).

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