V13 (664): QS: Net Money - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Product Description
Net Money - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Cybersurfers have created a guide to information and services related to personal finance
available on the Internet.
If the "Anything for Dummies" series of volumes has had any benefit, it's the proliferation of books on technical
topics that are actually easy to read, entertaining and effective at educating. The latest in the genre, Net Money , is a
copublishing effort between Random House Electronic Publishing and Michael Wolff & Co. guiding you to
money-related topics accessible on the Internet.
The publisher has had some cybersurfers do the unenviable job of creating a guide to sources of information or
services for everything related to personal finance, sources accessible electronically. Areas covered include the major
networks (America OnLine, CompuServe, Prodigy, eWorld, GEnie), some bulletin boards and some sites on the
Internet. I say "some" because it's impossible to know if everything has been covered and most of the references are
to commercial sites. All I know is that it takes Net Money nearly 300 pages to list all the things that its compilers
did find.
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