V13 (657): QS: Fundamental Analysis - Technical Analysis, Inc.

V13 (657): QS: Fundamental Analysis - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V13\C14\Q657.PDF
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Product Description

Fundamental Analysis - Technical Analysis, Inc.

In Fundamental Analysis, author Jack Schwager explains how you can use fundamental analysis to forecast the direction of prices in the futures markets. His view is that if a trader wants to understand the cause-and-effect relationship in the behavior of a market, you must turn to fundamental analysis.

In Fundamental Analysis , one of the many kernels of wisdom, this one discussing the role of expectations, is a variation on Murphy's Law as quoted by 19th-century British politician Benjamin Disraeli: "What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens." Yet in Fundamental Analysis , which covers the application of fundamental analysis to futures trading, author Jack Schwager successfully explains how you can use fundamental analysis to forecast the direction of prices in the futures markets. Schwager's view is that if a trader wants to understand the cause-and-effect relationship in the behavior of a market, you must turn to fundamental analysis.

Fundamental Analysis is divided into four parts. Part 1, which is very brief, gives the reader an overview of the book. More important, it gives the beginner a comprehensive look at what trading in the commodity markets is all about.

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