V.18:2 (36-43):Seasonal Trades And The Channel Breakout System by John L.Momsen
Product Description
Seasonal Trades And
The Channel Breakout System
by John L.Momsen
Many seasonal trades have been consistently profitable over
many years, but using them can be tricky because you never
know if this will be the year that events won’t follow the
established patterns. You can gauge whether patterns are
breaking as expected by using the channel breakout system.
Seasonal trades often come with
90%success rates, but that’s
historical information. You
need to know what's happening now as you put on a trade.
Nothing's more frustrating than
entering - and exiting - at
the historical right time, only
to take a loss. Here, then,is a
technique for a seasonal trade
confirming your entry point
using the channel breakout system, versions of which are
widespread in trading. Using channel breakout, you can
bump up your personal success rate on seasonals to over the
90% mark.
As an experienced futures trader, I am a confirmed believer
in the power and profitability of seasonal trading. For the
uninitiated, seasonals are defined as the up and down market
trends or yearly cycles that recur at approximately the same
time each year. A seasonal trader normally adheres to a
calendar of entry and exit dates as the bases for making
trading decisions.
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