V.18:3 (34-38):Trendline Basics by Martin Pring
Product Description
Trendline Basics by Martin Pring
The trend of prices is the feature
that is most sought after in technical analysis, yet surprisingly simple
constructs can get you right with
the market. Here, veteran trader
and analyst Martin Pring takes you
through the basics of creating and
interpreting trendlines.
Trendlines are a
simple but highly
effective tool. In
technical analysis, we assume
prices move in trends, and that once
begun, a trend continues. Therefore, you, as a technician, must be
concerned with identifying a price
reversal at an early stage and riding
it until the evidence proves the trend
has once again turned. Trendlines
represent one of these items of evidence.
Trendlines are not perfect tools,
but then, what technical indicators
are? In my experience, however,they
can be highly effective. If I had to be
cast off on a deserted island with only
two or three technical indicators, I
would not hesitate to take trendlines
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