V13 (319-320): Letters to S&C

V13 (319-320): Letters to S&C
Item# v1331lettosc
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Product Description

V13 (319-320): Letters to S&C



I am a 21-year-old student and worker who is very interested in becoming a stockbroker or trader. For some time now, I have been trying to self-educate myself with the small amount of literature available on these subjects through local bookstores and libraries. This route has only proven to be frustrating and has not given me the informational base that I desire to enter either job market.

I would very much appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction as to what schools, programs or other institutions would provide continued education and qualify me to be proficient in either field.


Aside from entering a training program with a stock brokerage firm, a few other avenues might include the following:Several universities in New York City offer an assortment of finance courses and programs, including Pace University, New York University and the New York Institute of Finance [see also next letter-Ed.], among others. Contact any of these schools for a course listing.

For information on how to obtain a stock brokerage license, you might contact the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC): ...

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