V.17:7 (314-318): Momentum by Stuart Evens
Product Description
Trend-following methods and indicators have drawbacks:
One, they indicate a change in trend after the fact, thereby
missing a significant portion of the initial move. Two, markets
spend a lot of time not in trends, but in trading ranges —
and using trend-following methods with prices in trading
ranges can result in whipsaw losses. To avoid these pitfalls,
momentum indicators are used to forewarn of a change in
trend and the reversal of price at support and resistance
levels within a trading range. Momentum is not a perfect
method or indicator, but used appropriately, it can be extremely
useful. A thorough understanding of momentum can
help in making trading decisions.
Momentum, according to techni-cian
John J. Murphy, can be
defined as “a technique used to
construct an overbought–over-sold
oscillator,” measuring
price differences over time. Fig-ure
1 shows the 10-day mo-mentum
line for the daily chart
for Intel.
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