V13:06: (271-273): Letters to S&C
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V13:06: (271-273): Letters to S&C
In the March issue of STOCKS & COMMODITIES, you published a very enlightening article by Joe DiNapoli titled "The X'd trade." This was quite informative and a number of my friends have found this interesting. I would like to see more articles about details of this nature. I don't think that I will have this problem, as I am a very short-term trader and do mostly market orders. However, I am aging and will not want to sit in front of the computer for the rest of my life … at least I hope not. Understanding these "X" trades may become more important, so it is of value to know what can happen.
The article in the February issue wherein you interviewed Mary Pugh and discussed the variation on CMOs was another article I found of interest. Why? It explains items that one reads about in the current press. Unfortunately, the authors of the articles assume that if you read their article, you know the underlying reasons. That is not true. Articles by DiNapoli and about Pugh are quite helpful.
I also read a letter about the stock market by a fellow named Mike Jenkins. In his letter, he explained about the "big boys" in New York and trading stocks for no commission. I think your readers may find this of interest as well and it might be of interest to you to contact him. I have made a copy of his recent letter and have enclosed it [not shown ].
In closing, I found the article by Joe DiNapoli and about Many Pugh of real interest. Keep those kinds of articles
Chesterland, OH
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